Section 1 – Statement of General Policy

This is the Health and Safety Policy Statement of Ashcroft Dental Surgery

Statement of Intent

To ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees and self-employed members of the dental team as well as for patients and members of the public who work within or visit our premises.

We will implement, maintain and review appropriate safe systems of work to control and reduce, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety risks arising from all activities at the practice and take all reasonable steps and measures to minimise our activity’s impact upon the environment.

We will consult with the dental team on all matters affecting their health and safety. Any concerns raised will be investigated and appropriate actions taken.

Training, information, supervision, and instruction will be provided to all team members for the understanding of health and safety issues and to ensure that they are competent to carry out their tasks.

We will provide and maintain safe equipment and ensure the safe use and handling of hazardous and non-hazardous substances. Suitable and sufficient precautions will be taken to prevent accidents and cases of work-related illness.

All staff will be made aware of this health and safety policy document, a copy of which is displayed prominently within the practice.

Breaches of health and safety rules may lead to action under the practice disciplinary procedure.

This Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed annually and in any event of a significant change of working practises.

Section 2 – Organisation

1. Overall and final responsibility for health and safety issues in this practice lies with Dr Chryssanthi Rados– the Practice Owner/Principal

2. Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that this policy is put into practice is delegated to the Health and Safety Manager Dr. Paraskevi Doumanis – the Practice Health and Safety Manager who reports to the Practice Owner

3. Responsibility for managing the practice and training lies with Sue Kilby – the Practice Manager who reports to the Health and Safety Manager (this maybe one and the same) therefore reports to practice owner

4. To ensure health and safety standards are maintained and improved, the following members of staff have responsibility in the following areas:

Dr. Chryssanthi Rados– Clinical Governance Leader
Dr. Chryssanthi Rados – Practice Radiation Protection Supervisor who is responsible for the practice compliance with the regulations related to radiation protection who reports to the Practice Manager

5. All employees and self-employed members of staff are responsible for their own health and safety and that of each other, all patients and visiting members of the public. They have to:

▪ Co-operate with the management on health and safety matters
▪ Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and or safety
▪ Take reasonable care of their own health and safety
▪ Report any incidents and health and safety concerns to the Health and Safety Manager, who reports to the practice manager

Section 3 – Arrangements

The Local Health and Safety Executive

Address – Caxton House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA

Telephone – 03000031747


Accidents and Emergencies
All staff are qualified first-aiders for this practice whose help should be sought in case of emergency. In the unlikely event of absence call emergency services by dialing 999.

All accidents, work-related ill health and incidents are reported immediately to the Health and Safety Manager who will enter it in the accident report book and take the necessary actions. The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences (RIDDOR) where necessary, to the enforcing authority. Accident reports are kept in a confidential file to comply
with Data Protection requirements.

For further details see (M 252).

The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for consultation with members of staff on all health and safety related issues. It is carried out during regular practice meetings when staff members will have an additional opportunity to comment on the health and safety arrangements.

The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for monitoring the safe working practices of contractors on the premises. All contractors are expected to read and follow the practice Health and Safety Policy. The staff should draw the Health and Safety Manager’s attention to any breach by an external contractor.

Display screen equipment
Users of display screen equipment are appropriately trained on the health and safety aspects of this type of work. The Health and Safety Manager carries out regular assessments of all work stations and working practises. Eyesight tests are arranged if requested and any necessary corrective eyewear is provided for use with DSE.

The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for equipment. All practice equipment is maintained in good working order and repaired and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Where required the equipment is clearly labelled with health and safety warnings and staff are provided with adequate protection. Any problems with equipment should be reported to the Health and Safety
Manager. Equipment is used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions

The Principal will check that all new equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased.

For further details see (M 271, M 272, M 273, M 274, M 275).

Electrical safety
The Health and Safety Manager performs regular visual inspections of all electrical equipment including portable appliances. Inspection and testing of portable appliances is performed every [2] years by Independent Services. Records of all inspections and testing are kept and maintained. Staff are not allowed to bring appliances into work.

Fire safety
Caren Constantinou is responsible for fire safety and any concerns should be raised with her. Staff take part in biannual fire drills and the records are kept on file/diary.

In cases of fire staff should follow the actions described in Fire Action Notice (M 266C) which is displayed Next do hand towel machine in the back ].

For further details see (M 266).

Hazardous substances
The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH).

Staff are trained in the proper storage, use, handling, disposal, transporting (internally and externally) protective measures and emergency procedures for hazardous substances.

Any concerns regarding the effect of hazardous substances on the employee’s health should be addressed to the Health and Safety Manager.

For further information see (M 267).

Infection prevention and control
Staff follow the Infection Control Policy at all times (M 257A). Staff also follow the guidelines for Infection Prevention and Control (M 257) and take into account new developments in this area by keeping abreast of the current scientific literature and implementing new concepts or techniques as soon as they become available. If you have any questions about infection control contact the Health and Safety Manager.

Information, instruction and supervision
The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for arranging information, instruction and supervision. The Health and Safety Law poster is displayed at the practice. Health and safety advice is available from HSE and CODE. Supervision of young workers and trainees will be arranged/undertaken/monitored by the Health and Safety Manager.

Manual handling
Staff are trained in correct manual handling techniques. If there is risk of injury the handling is avoided, if the handling cannot be avoided the risks are assessed before a suitable handling procedure is introduced to minimise the risk. The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for all manual handling and should be contracted if you have any questions.

The Health and Safety Manager will check that safe working practices are being followed. S/he will investigate accidents, work related causes of sickness absences and is responsible for acting on investigation findings to prevent a recurrence.

Pressure vessels
Pressure vessels including autoclaves and compressors are serviced, tested and inspected in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. All team members are trained in the safe use of the equipment. Pressure vessels insurance is in place. Any questions should be addressed to the Health and Safety Manager who is responsible for equipment.

Prescription drugs – the storage, dispensing and disposal of
The Practice Owner: Dr. Chryssanthi Rados is responsible for the storage, dispensing and disposal of all prescription drugs. All drugs are stored in a locked cupboard which is kept [ ]. The Drugs Book is kept [ ]. For further details see (M 268).

Risk assessment
The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for risk assessment and ensuring that any actions identified are implemented. The assessment will be reviewed on an annual basis or whenever there is a significant change in working practices. Control measures will be monitored to assess the effectiveness.

For further details see (M 250).

The safe use of x-rays
The Radiation Protection Advisor is: Dr. Chryssanthi Rados.
The Radiation Protection Supervisor at the practice is Dr. Chryssanthi Rados.
The Medical Physics Expert is:

Routine x-ray testing is performed every three years for intra-oral units and each year for handheld or cone beam ct units by Henry Schein.

The x-ray equipment is serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions by Henry Schein. The Radiation Protection File is kept behind Reception desk see this for further information on the safe use of x-rays.

Safety equipment/clothing
The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for safety equipment. This includes the provision use and storage of masks, goggles, gloves, patient bibs and other safety equipment.

Any problem with equipment should be reported immediately to the Health and Safety Manager. For further information see (M 257B)

The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for the storage and disposal of waste. This includes training, supervision and monitoring. Practice waste is divided into clinical, hazardous and office waste. For further details see (M 269).

Workplace safety
The Health and Safety Manager regularly inspects the workplace and maintains inspection records. Any health and safety risks are identified and removed or reduced as far as reasonably practicable.

Competency for tasks and training
The Practice Manager provides induction and job specific training (M 225, M 225A). Training records are kept confidentially with the staff members file (M 222E). Health and Safety training needs are identified and training is arranged by the Practice Manager.

Last modified: 15 Apr 2024 Ashcroft Dental Surgery, 2 Ashcroft Drive, UB9 5JF